10 Rules for Dating with Intention:


“It’s not that I don’t go on dates. I go on plenty of dates…they’re just not the right ones”

  • Does your love life look like a series of dates or relationships that never quite reach the level of depth and expansiveness you envision?
  • Are you looking to overcome insecurities that are getting in the way of attracting an emotionally healthy relationship?
  • Do you feel disheartened by the lack of emotional connection or clarity of intentions while trying to have a great dating experience?
  • Do you want to experience commitment, without the feeling that you’re giving up your freedom or identity?

This popular program offers powerful ideas to resist the temptation to lower your standards and keep hope alive.

The 10 Rules of Dating with Intention signature program is designed to equip you with inspired guidance designed to align your dating life with your highest values and vision for a thriving partnership.

This isn’t your typical dating column advice. I work with the highest ideas on Love, compiled from the timeless wisdom of holy scriptures, the greatest lovers, and wisdom of the ages. I have made these practical and implementable to help you achieve your current-day dating and relationship goals.

As you put these lessons into practice, you can elevate the quality of individuals and relationships you attract into your life. Apply these rules, and you’ll start attracting from a place of greater clarity, confidence, and attunement with your soul’s deepest desires.

I look forward to working with you as you discern, attract, and build a purpose-driven relationship aligned with your highest values.

Results you can expect:

  1. Greater confidence, excitement, and ease as you walk into your first dates.
  2. Discern early if this person is right for you to build a connection with.
  3. Become clear on the qualities, character, and values that are aligned with your vision of a thriving partnership.
  4. Identify and overcome limiting relationship patterns so you attract individuals more aligned with your values.
  5. Articulate vulnerable feelings with clarity, navigate challenging conversations, and overcome conflict harmoniously.
  6. Deepen your commitment while maintaining your freedom and identity.
  7. Learn the qualities necessary to build an enduring union that is mutually supportive; spiritually uplifting; and emotionally fulfilling.

Your story is unique, so this program is tailored around you:

This program is not a one-size fits all approach. It is tailored around your unique story; your specific needs and challenges; and designed to produce results aligned to your personal goals.

Curious to Learn More?

Book a no-cost consultation call to see how this program can serve your goals.

Program Details:

  1. Step into your purpose and power with this three (3) month program
  2. Regular sessions to make steady progress: 1x a week, one hour sessions personalized to your goals.
  3. Assignments designed for growth: Demonstrate transformative results as you apply your learning..
  4. I’m here for you: Access to me via email/text for ongoing questions, clarity, or support.
  5. Adaptable to your schedule: Scheduling adjustments possible, to suit your on-the-go schedule.

Ready to Begin?

Sign up today to start this journey with me.

“I have a love-hate relationship with personal development.

Jaded, skeptical, yet curious – I connected with Samier after seeing his 10 Rules for Dating with Intention program content on social media (follow him for stunning travel photos!).

I was expecting some permutation of women’s magazine wisdom sprinkled with therapy speak.
Was I in for a surprise!


Firstly, his approach was nothing like mainstream coaching with generic advice. He took the time to get to know me on a deeper level, asking insightful questions and holding space with compassion as we began to unpack deep rooted beliefs and fears that were holding me back in love and life. He made me feel psychologically safe by being authentic himself, which helped me relate and engage with his guidance.

Secondly, Samier’s experience as a successful entrepreneur cam in handy as he steered the conversations to flow freely but still be rational, systematic and outcomes oriented. We talked about a great depth and breadth of subjects, he helped me connect the dots, measure milestones, and chart a way forward in a very objective way. This grounding helped me trust him with the free fall that personal growth can be.


I signed up for some tips to date more consciously and break unhelpful patterns. Samier’s tips were practical, tangible and rooted in divine love. I could implement them immediately and was able to have the tools to assess and handle low value romantic connections quicker than ever.

An unexpected yet deeply impactful thread that Samier helped me draw was my relationship with the divine. Drawing from his impressive knowledge of scriptures, diverse cultures and ancient wisdom – he helped me repair my relationship with a higher being.

I resisted, broke down, asked a thousand questions but he was patient and understanding through it all. He held me accountable too – calling me on my own BS hah! – but always with compassion and grace. Our sessions not only uplifted my approach to dating but to myself too. Definitely more enlightening than what can be found in a women’s magazine!

Samier, you have my deepest gratitude for guiding me to a light bulb that I’d buried deep within. Thank you for sharing your gifts to help me step into mine.”



“Everyone needs to hear this. I wish I learned these lessons earlier, it would have save me from getting into two marriages.”


“Deliver this program in every major city!”


“Eloquent and so relatable…great questions for self reflection.”


“It had more depth than I expected…I liked the spiritual depth.”


“I liked how it brought up unresolved issues I didn’t know I had towards the topic.”